Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pippo Lionni at UVM's The Robert Hull Fleming Museum

Always a breath of fresh air and inspiration lies within the marble galleries up on the hill  The Robert Hull Fleming Museum provides a breath of fresh inspiration on the campus green.  (Read more about the wonderful history of this beautiful building. ) 

This month, we wanted to note the diverse work of Pippo Lionni,  running through May 22, 2011 in the European and American Gallery.  The exhibit, curated by Museum Director, Janie Cohen.

The Fleming Museum is delighted to present work this spring by Paris-based artist Pippo Lionni , in the Museum's New Media Niche, located in the lobby. In a series of animations by the artist from his ongoing body of work, Facts of Life, Lionni combines common signs, symbols, and icons into a visual lexicon that conveys the complexities of human relations, with subtlety and humor. Running continuously will be 7 short video works, including Freneticology , Linerunner, and Lovespace, in which the artist utilizes the figural symbols for man and woman that identify restrooms and other public amenities throughout the world. 
On view in the Fleming's European and American Gallery, on the second floor, is a related large-scale print by Lionni entitled Urbanopolis. In it, Lionni presents an expansive human landscape constructed of globally recognized pictograms. It hangs in the Genre section of the gallery, introducing a 21st-century take on the historical category of genre: scenes of everyday life. Together the two installations video and print, transform a trove of universal visual symbols into vibrant and compelling scenarios.

Be sure to visit his website and explore his artist statements and  Pippo Lionni's blog .
And as always, thanks Janie and the museum crew for putting together such a fresh exhibit!  

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