Saturday, April 30, 2011

H Keith Wagner Partnership

Hilltop Residence, Richmond Vermont
Within Vermont's springtime, there exist just a few precious weeks between snow melt and bloom.  During this period we experience a renewed visual vocabulary, so welcome after the long winter.  We bear witness to a seemingly endless spectrum of greens in the natural world -  a single frame of landscape possesses a metrically staged drama, as rapid and alive as the bands of clouds moving overhead - change visible within the course of a day's light.   

A talented landscape architect sculpts the play of time, light, material and palette around our living environments - often providing us with an enhanced emotional response to the beauty that is literally alive and changing both independently and concurrently from our human conditions.  

Smith Point Residence, Shelburne Vermont

Which brings us to the Burlington based partnership of H. Keith Wagner  Landscape Architects whose award winning executions grace both the private and public domain and exercise the full expression of possibilities within landscape architecture.  Enjoy these snapshots of their work and explore more on their website. 

Hilltop Residence, Richmond Vermont
Smith Point Residence, Shelburne Vermon t

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