Monday, April 11, 2011

Michael Minadeo and Partners

For those who don't know, Burlington, Vermont (where Weller is located) is a small town.  One to two degrees of separation at best.  Nowhere is this more evident than in the shop - where serendipitous meetings are common occurrence.  

All Photos by Westpalen Photography & (C) M.Minadeo + Partners

One such example was meeting Michael Minadeo several months back.  Since then, we have revisited his website and are pleased to see he has launched a facebook networking page.    For those with a Dwell sensibility, often left hungry for modern design up here in the frozen north,  Michael Minadeo + Partners offers simple, elegant and environmentally sustainable design solutions - not to mention some local eye candy and at the very least, a bookmark for following this like minded team.  We wonder, of course, what their dream project would be... look forward to seeing future work and hopefully the opportunity to execute their vision unleashed.  Check back, as "Regional Desgin" will be a regular feature on the Weller blog.   

All Photos by Westpalen Photography & (C) M.Minadeo + Partners

The Stowe Pool House won the distinction of the 2009 AIA Honor Award for Excellence in Architecture .  Landscape Architecture by Burlington's H. Keith Wagner Partnership 

We believe Design is a process of discovery where ideas are communicated through the nature of materials, spatial relationships, and the quality of light. Our residential work displays our firm philosophy - we offer elegant and environmentally sustainable design solutions with roots grounded in the New England tradition.

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