Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting to Re-Purpose

Cardboard - yes, we recycle it everyday.  But the scale of cardboard boxes that came along with our Herman Miller shipment seemed too inspiring to simply haul it off to the bin.  These are the kind of boxes you want to share with kids and build imaginary worlds... let them explore creativity within structures...

It came as a relief when Sara found the perfect match for our stash of cardboard caverns... and local artist/illustrator Pete Talbot came and picked them up to re-purpose them for a children's theater production.  (Check out Pete's etsy shop!)

Not everyone knows about Herman Miller's extraordinary commitment to environmental advocacy - but take a look at a company who sets the bar high - and starts considering impact from design conception while walking the walk with a goal for a zero footprint.   So it goes with further satisfaction, that our showroom packaging gets hauled off for a good round of re-purposing and play before its next life.  Thanks Pete!

Herman Miller, A Sweeter Solution

Learn how Herman Miller products can contribute to your environmental goals


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